Woking Dance Space

Dance and exercise classes for adults, no matter what their age or previous experience

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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update

March 17, 2020

We have been keeping an eye on the changing situation related to the virus and regretfully believe that it will be in everyone’s best interests to suspend classes FROM TOMORROW (Wednesday 18th March) until further notice, but likely until after Easter, and to close Sunday rehearsals for at least the next two weeks.

At this time, We do not intend to announce cancellation of the show – obviously the venue is currently shut, but as May is still some time away,we feel it would be precipitate to make any decision at this point. We may, however, have to have an updated rehearsal schedule to cover the gaps.

We will continue making announcements along the normal channels, so do keep looking out on our various social media groups and the website. We want to reassure you that our community still exists with our shared love of dancing, and we will be there for each other!We all look forward to it all blowing over and in the mean time, even if its just in your kitchen, keep dancing!!

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